Thursday, 8 September 2016

Binge Eating

All of us overeat sometimes, but if you overeat regularly while feeling unable to stop, or get out of control with your eating habits, you may be suffering from binge eating. Binge eating refers to an eating disorder which consists of frequent episodes of eating an excessive quantity of food. A person suffering from binge eating disorder (B.E.D.) struggles with the feeling of embarrassment, depression, guilt and disgust.

This disorder, can occur in people of all ages and genders. According to a study,

“Binge eating disorder is the most common eating disorder in the United States, affecting 3.5% of women, 2% of men, and up to 1.6% of adolescents”.

A person with B.E.D. will often have an inability to stop eating. They rapidly eat large amount of food, hide food to eat later and keep on eating continuously even when they are full. People with B.E.D. feel stressed entire day and worry about their body weight and continuous eating habits. They desperately want to stop excessive eating, but they can’t.

The most common reason for developing B.E.D. is depression. People suffering from B.E.D. are either depressed or have been before. Loneliness, low self-esteem, and body dissatisfaction may also contribute to it. Another reason of developing B.E.D. is the biological abnormalities. The hypothalamus, a part of the brain that controls appetite may not work properly due to which a person is unable to control his hunger.

It is very important for people to get it diagnosed and treated on time as it can lead to various health problems, like Osteoarthritis, high blood pressure and kidney failure. B.E.D. is easily treatable at home. The treatment includes interpersonal psychotherapy, dialectical behaviour therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy and medication (Lisdexamfetamine & Antidepressants).

In addition, nutrition counselling, group therapy and family support can decrease the further affects and help the patients overcome the habit of overeating.

The way of B.E.D. recovery is very challenging and time taking but it can also help in replacing the unhealthy eating habits with more helpful coping strategies.

Shaw Academy, a Dublin based professional institute providing online professional and higher education. Shaw Academy is flexible, transparent, reasonable and cost effective. To know what their students are saying, read Shaw Academy review online.

Wednesday, 7 September 2016

Treating Sickle Cell Disease Using Hydroxyurea

Sickle cell disease is a hereditary blood disorder that affects red blood cells and block the blood flow that results in lung tissue damage, stroke and priapism. This disease is most common in Africans and African-Americans.

According to a research presented by The Hospital for Sick Children in Toronto, Canada 
“sickle cell disease when treated with hydroxyurea, showed vast improvement in lung functions”.

As per Dr. Anya McLaren, hydroxyurea helps in declining the annual respiratory function almost by one-third. The study involved about 94 individuals, age between 6 to 20 years, were treated with hydroxyurea. These individuals then monitored for the time period of 4 years and their hemoglobin F, blood count, liver and renal functions measured regularly.

Two measures of lung function, i.e. FEV1 and FEF25-75 were taken before and after hydroxyurea and showed substantial improvement in both FEV1 and FEF25-75 after the treatment.

This research carried over more than a decade and has evidence that the drug – hydroxyurea is safe and effective, yet the patients suffering from sickle cell disease are under fear of its side-effects, such as carcinogenesis, the formation of cancer. However, the research has confirmed that the fear in patients regarding hydroxyurea has no base.

According to Dr. McLaren;
"Long-term observational studies suggest beneficial effects without excessive damage to bone marrow, deleterious effects on growth and development, altered fertility, accumulation of mutations or increased carcinogenicity"

The aim of this research is to increase the awareness among people about the advantages of hydroxyurea. The researchers have also suggested this drug as a treatment for patients suffering from sickle cell disease. The success of this program will also encourage the physicians to recommend and promote hydroxyurea for the effective treatment. This program is a step in the right direction for the well-being of the people suffering from sickle cell disease.

Shaw Academy is the world's largest provider of live online skills. Shaw Academy receives positive reviews from students and professionals and every month over 55,000 new students enroll with Shaw Academy.

Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed brain disorder in which a person face trouble in sustaining attention, finds difficulty in sitting still, talks non-stop and tends to act without thinking. ADHD is most commonly found in children, between the age of 6 to 12 years. However, a new research has revealed that ADHD doesn’t just occur in children, it can develop in adult also at a later stage in life. The study further discovered that ADHD can affect about 4% adults and is very difficult to diagnose.
According to Dr. Doron Almagor, chairperson of the Canadian ADHD Resource Alliance (CADDRA), “ADHD is a mental illness that affects the way one act & focus and can have a severe effect on a life”. Now-a-days, ADHD is becoming more common in children and adults. As per a new analysis, there is a 43 percent increase in ADHD diagnosis in the United States since 2003.
Hyperactivity, impulsivity and inattention are the main symptoms of ADHD. People suffering from ADHD make careless mistake in their work, get easily distracted in tasks, don’t pay attention while talking and face difficulty in remembering basic activities.
At present, there is no as such cure for ADHD, but treatment may include behavior therapy and medication. Also, counselling and extra support from family and healthcare stakeholders can decrease the further affects and help the patients feel better about themselves.
Researchers in CADDRA are trying to raise awareness among doctors and general people regarding ADHD. They are looking forward to educate people about adult ADHD. So that, if they identify the symptoms in their loved ones’ behavior, they can immediately rush to their doctors for consultation.
ADHD is definitely controllable. The treatment may take some time, but positive results are there for sure. Hence, with this piece of information, it will become easy for people to diagnose ADHD in adults and children.
Shaw Academy, a Dublin based professional institute providing online professional and higher education. Shaw Academy is flexible, transparent, reasonable and cost effective. Read Shaw Academy review online to get more information.

Thursday, 1 September 2016

Tips for Glowing Skin

Every person wants flawless and glowing skin. Beautiful skin is one of the main elements of a person’s beauty but how do you achieve this? This is the question that most people ask dermatologist and skin specialists. No one likes zits, pimples, dark spots or dark circles. There are hundreds of skin care products that promise to give an improved complexion. Instead of depending on these products, you can do some easy and simple treatments to improve the overall appearance of your skin.

Everything healthy starts from a healthy diet. Taking in the right amount of nutrients and vitamins is good for the skin. Food rich in proteins, omega 3, fiber and vitamin C are essential for a clear smooth skin. Including fruits, vegetables, fish, grains, nuts and meat in your regular diet will leave you with spotless and clear skin. Similarly, drinking water is the one of the best ways to purify the impurities in the skin. It helps to hydrate the body and removes extra oil and dirt. Water also boosts the immune system of the body. Aim to drink 8 – 10 glasses of water a day. It will make your skin clear by flushing out the toxins and waste.

Eating too much salt and sugar can negatively impact your skin. According to the American Heart Association,” the high amount of salt and sugar can affect your health for the worse, taking its toll on the fresh and healthy glow of your skin”.

A proper sleep is also one of the most important part of getting a clearer and glowing skin. Having at least eight hours of sleep every day is a must. Lack of proper sleep causes the release of a hormone named cortisol that result in oily skin and acne.

Physical activity and exercise also add radiance to the skin. Workouts like cardio and aerobics are best for the healthy skin as it stimulates oxygen and blood flow. Exercise is the best way to cleanse the skin from inside.

These were the few simple, but important tips which you can add to your daily lifestyle to get a glowing flawless skin.

You can learn more about beauty treatments by joining Shaw Academy’s online Beauty program. To know what their students are saying, read Shaw Academy review online.